Upcoming changes to Driver CPC Training.

You may be aware of government proposals to make changes to how the Driver CPC qualification works.

Under current rules, once initially qualified, drivers are required to complete 35 hours training every 5 years, broken down into five 7 hour modules.

The new proposals will divide the qualification into two types, the International Drivers CPC and the National Drivers CPC. There will be no change for drivers who wish to drive internationally, with the requirements staying as they are now. This will be called the International DCPC. Drivers who only wish to drive in the UK will now have the option of breaking the training down into smaller modules. These will be 3 1/2 hours long each, and there will be no requirement to complete split courses within 24 hours, as now.

There will also be new pathways for drivers whose cards have expired within the last 2 years to re-join the profession.

You may also have heard about the introduction of an exam option. This will only apply to the National DCPC qualification. Basically, you will be able to sit an exam rather than complete 35 hours of training, and this exam qualification will be valid for 5 years.

So when is all this happening?

The answer is who knows! The changes that introduce the National and International DCPC were scheduled for mid this year, but the latest government update just states 2024/2025. These proposals have yet to be passed by government, and with a general election looming and parliament dissolved, nothing is going to happen at the moment. We have to wait and see who is to form our next government and how they wish to allocate parliamentary time.

The changes that would allow an examination option have yet to go through the consultation stage, so could be a long way off yet.

So, if you are holding on to the last minute in hope of making use of the new options before your card expires, it may be time to reconsider.

Check your expiry date and book your training now!